Pat Butler
“James tell us to consider tests “pure joy”—knowing that tests develop perseverance, which works maturity into us, so that we will lack nothing.”
Pat Butler
“Peter writes “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life, that God has promised to those who love him.”
Start by thanking God for the test, in the words of James 1, and then dig in.
“This simple act opens your mind to the possibility of benefits flowing from your difficulties. You can even give persistent problems nicknames, helping you to approach them with familiarity rather than with dread. The next step is to introduce them to Me, enabling Me to embrace them in My loving Presence there is. I will not necessarily remove your problems, but My wisdom is sufficient to brings good out of every one of them.” Jesus Calling: March 5, Sarah Young
“Jesus knew what He was planning to do, but He asked Philip nonetheless. He had something to teach, and it started with a test.”—John 6:6
“The most important function of this period of adjustment to the Special World is testing. Storytellers use this phase to test the hero, putting her through a series of trials and challenges that are meant to prepare her for great Ordeals ahead.” (Vogler 137)
The most fundamental existential question the Christian Hero must know is what Jesus himself had to know as he began public ministry:
Who am I?
Am I a child of God or not?
Do I have all power or authority or not?
Do I know how to exercise them?
If not, why not?
Knowing who you are enables you to live by the Spirit.
“Live by the Spirit. Then you will not do what your sinful selves want.”—Gal. 5:16
“Those who follow the LORD are firmly planted, healthy, and full of life". (Ps. 1:4)
What are you holding onto?
If it is not truth, let it go.
You can read more about this stage in Pat Butler’s website. “As we move through our tests, finding allies and enemies, God probes us and teaches us: How to discern friend from foe. And what about the junk drawers in our heart?…” Keep reading! :)