A change of perspective
Do you notice when you change? A change in perspective or in the way you feel (a little different than before)? When you have an “aha” moment, do you change what you do? Why you do what you do ? Well, that happened to me this week. It’s happened before, but this time, I get to share it with you!
If you asked me some months ago why I was showing you my paintings or inviting you into my world the answer would have been: to see my creation, at some point, on your walls. And even though that would be nice, I had an ‘aha’ moment. My perspective shifted to something I hadn’t noticed.
More than showing you my artwork, I wanted connection. And art is a beautiful channel for growth and conversation with other human beings. I’m sure I’m not alone in this. After months of social distancing and watching the world turned on its head, we probably learned some things about ourselves. We’re still figuring things out. We long to belong and to be heard. We all have a story, and I’m convinced each one is good. So, as I open my home for you to look inside, I will share my artwork to reach out to you and listen.
Connections take practice and time. It takes vulnerability and willingness to engage in conversation with a curious and accepting spirit. It may be a post, photo, or comment at a time. I am thankful for you and what the future may hold. So, let me start again: Hi! I’m Silvi. How are you today? So nice to meet you.
Ed. By Pat Butler @mythic_monastery